Thanks to Yakima I have a Skybox roof box to make getting to my next adventure this spring/summer easier yeeow, sweet for loading up the ute for the road missions and keeping the wet and dirty gear separate.
I have been using the holdup+2 for the last year for quick across town bike park shreds through to Heaphy Track and Old Ghost Road missions. The holdup has been my daily driver, very solid design and construction, super fast loading and the rack has been great for adventuring with the whole family.
Yakima is a Californian based company who are passionate about the outdoors and who design and make roof racks, roof boxes and bike racks.
“At Yakima, we believe the outdoors is more fun when shared. Shared with friends. And with family. Shared with goofballs, wingmen, dreamers, crushes and jokers. The more the merrier. Because the outdoors is not just about the adventure, it’s about the stories told, the inside jokes and the shared memories. Memories that remain, long after the trip is over.
It’s been 35 years now, and we not only make safe, secure racks for your gear, what we really do is make room for butts in seats. AKA more people competing for the shotgun seat. More people to belt out the best 80’s ballads. More backseat drivers. More shoulders to use as pillows when you fall asleep. Because we believe if you’re gonna go, you should Take More Friends.
With those friends comes loyalty. Reliability. Trust. All things we at Yakima aim to practice everyday. As a business. As product engineers. As social adventurers ourselves. We don’t just talk the talk, we walk the walk. Or if you prefer, run the run, bike the bike, or hike the hike. We promise we’ll do all we can to be there for you, so you can be there for your Road Trip mates.
At Yakima, we’re extremely proud of what we do. Because we’re not just making the world’s finest car racks – we’re getting the gear out of the car and more friends in!”