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2019 Santa Cruz Stigmata Gravel Bike build

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2019 Santa Cruz Stigmata Gravel Bike build

It never gets old, building up a new bike, pumped to go to the bike shop and put together this new bike. A little bit cart before the horse as I put out the West Coast Wilderness Trail film, but here’s a video of the build. Big cheers to Santa Cruz NZ, Shimano and the crew at My Ride. 

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The Grand Loop Film

The Grand Loop Film

The top of the South Island of New Zealand has rapidly become a destination for backcountry cyclists. Like all good ideas, this one, to ride the Old Ghost Road and Heaphy Track in one grand loop, was thrown about over a few beers in a bike shop in Richmond, Nelson. Two riders, Damian Stones and Erik Hall completed this 6-day adventure in mid-winter on gravel bikes. Recent snowfalls, and a first bike packing trip for Erik, made this journey all the more challenging.